Health Care is currently undergoing fundamental structural changes. The lack of medical and care provider staff is mirrored against a society getting older and older. Multi-morbidity occurs and makes the health care system expensive more and more. To keep the health care system viable and fundable, BRIDGE is supporting reforms of organizational structures and processes in the health care system by introducing innovative telecommunications/IT based services (EHealth/ telemedicine). Innovations like Smartphones, Tablet PC, Apps and Cloud Computing are tools to make quality of care provision, workflow management between doctors, clinics and care providers, efficiency and patient' satisfaction. BRIDGE e.g. assists start up companies to understand the legal and organisational environment of the health care system, to formulate market entrance concepts, to make EHealth products and services marketable and business models feasible. BRIDGE makes a national & international business network available to generate impressive use cases in EHealth in Germany and abroad.
Major activities of BRIDGE consultants in Health Care:
Communications System for doctors and care providers with integrated patient file record system for chronic disease management.
Mobile Solutions for chronic disease documentation and management
"GESUNDHEITSINITIATIVE": Concept and action programe to promote EHealth (including patient file record system) in the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein as a pilot project for a German nationwide ICT campaign in Health Care.
Smartphone and Tablet PC based software tool to optimise logistics for pharmaceutics between patients and pharmacies.
Software for Laptops, Smartphones and Tablet-PC to improve chronic wound management tool for doctors.
Smartphone based Software to improve the performance ambulance tours in case of emergiences by online GPS routing and image transfers to the hospital.
Concept & Implementation plan for a cloud based planning and booking tool for rehabiitation clinics and insurance companies.
Management Support for Software development company with a EHealth service for postoperative care of trauma patients.
Online shop for probiotica and other medical products for patients with chronic diseases
Concept of a telemedicine based system to improve health care provision in Angola, Saudi Arabia
Finance Strategy and Implementation concept for implementation of health care centers in selected countries in Africa
Development of EHealth solutions with pilot projects in Cameroon and Guinea
Concept for EHealth solutions in selected areas of Germany